58 comedians, maybe more…

By November 19, 2018June 25th, 2022Funnies at Frank's

FunnieS at Frank’s started in early 2017 and since then we’ve had at least 58 comedians grace our humble venue. * As of 25th of June 2022.

Don’t believe me?

Well look at all their pictures on the FunnieS main page and below are all their names:

Al Del Bene, Amanda Bergmann, Angus Reynolds, Anna Kidd, Annie Harvey, Anthony Morgan, Ahslee Cairns

Ben Klingberg, Ben Payne, Ben Richardson, Bob Franklin, Brittany Szlezak

Catherine McClintock, Claire Hooper, Chloe Black, Colin Oscopy

Damian Callinan, Daryl Peebles, Dave Callan, Dave Thornton, David Moore, David Rish, Dylan Hesp

Elliot Goblet, Evan Hocking, Gavin Baskerville, Helen Shield, Ivan Aristeguieta

Jack O’Sullivan, James Warren, Jane Hamilton-Foster, Jeff Green, Jenny Smith, Kate Bowden

Lawrence Leung, Maedi Prichard, Mamma Rosa – Rose Ottavi-Kokkoris, Mick Davies, Mick Lowenstien, Mike Cain

Nathan Roye, Ned Townsend, Nellie Ryan

Peter Berner, Peter Rowsthorn, Pierre Joubert

Rachel Berger, Richard Stubbs, Rob Braslin, Rod Quantock, Rusty Berther

Sally Rose-Mcshane, Sara Cooper, Simon Palomares, Stephanie Tisdell, Steve Mcnees

Tracey Cosgrove, Tori Hogdeman

There may even be more but that’s what in my records under the FunnieS folder on my computer.

I haven’t been as diligent as maybe I should have been in this regard. For me it’s been more about the live shows than keeping records.

But if I’ve forgotten anyone please let me know. I really didn’t mean to. Sincere apologies.

Many of these wonderful people have been on more than once, so the total number of comedians falls below the number of shows we’ve had by quite some way.

Coupled with that we’ve run a couple of special International Women’s Day fundraisers, National Science Week events, rigged the Council Elections and thoroughly explained “Resting Bitch Face”.

Covid has put a dent in our frequency and therefore the total number of shows we may have otherwise had, but I have to say, it has been a blast.

Thanks to everyone who performed and to everyone who attended so far.

Thanks to Naomi, Tony and the team at Frank’s.

Thanks to the FunnieS volunteer crew; Di, Kel, Jessica, Kjartan and occasional photographer Susan Moore.

Also a big skankin’ thankin’ to Kristy Harrison at The Huon News.

And super special thanks to Gavin Baskerville and JOKERS Comedy Club for being the feeder for FunnieS.

Gav and I had been talking about “maybe” doing some shows in the Huon Valley for years. It was hoped that FunnieS would help make JOKERS more cost effective while bringing comedians to the Huon valley who we may not otherwise be able to attract (or afford). We finally made it happen in 2017 and since then I think we’ve succeeded on all fronts.

Thanks heaps Gav’! (and the JOKERS team)

I have some big and necessarily secret plans for the future.

Despite everything I still have some things I want to do in the comedy space in Franklin. So I urge you to sign up for notifications for FunnieS events.

Your failed Mayoral Candidate (it may have gone better if I had bothered to be in the ballot),

Non-Mayor David Moore.

Richard Stubbs and David Moore FunnieS 270918 (9)

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